

Friday, July 12, 2013

Patterns in the Ivey

Before you say anything, I didn't misspell ivy. I'll explain at the end.

My dear, dear summer. It's a good thing the days are so long now, because now that I'm out of school, there's SO much I have planned for myself, and rising and resting with the sun works quite well with my internal clock and boosts my productivity like a millionfold.

A waking sunflower in my garden.

I started a couple posts over the last few weeks, but never actually got around to publishing them. The (if you know me) surprising reason: I'm actually busy from sun up to sun down. This chick, the girl who slept away most of her teenage years, now gets up with the sun. It's 9:30 and I've been up for two hours already; the only reason I have time to sit here and finally do this, when I should be at my internship half an hour away, is that my ride's car battery died. A blessing in disguise, I say.

And another.

I've had a lot of disguised blessings lately; things I never thought would work out, that I assumed would take a turn for the worse, and that ended up brightening my life to an extent I really only dreamed of. How fantastic is that?

But enough about big pictures and epiphanies; this post is for the walk I took yesterday.


I take walks for two reasons. The first is to have some quick 20-minute speed-walking bonding with my mother; this happens pretty often and usually results in some groceries being bought. The second, the kind I took yesterday, is for when I'm feeling particularly directionless.

I don't mean depressed, or confused, or even necessarily restless. And I don't mean directionless in a long-term, where-am-I-going-in-life way. It's much more internal. It's for when I need to expand my imagination, especially when I'm writing. These are inspiration walks, and inspiration simply for the sake of itself. There's a default amount of dreaming this girl needs to keep herself happy and feeling fulfilled from day to day.

I take these walks alone, and they often turn into little adventures. I only walked for an hour yesterday, and in that time I found a beautiful garden and a mysterious Outsider hobbit house by the creek.

The community garden.

Unbeknownst to me before this walk, my town actually has a public demonstration garden not three blocks from my home that houses various native plants and explains how to grow them in your own garden. It's maintained by the UC system (wooo) and also provides pamphlets on invasive plants (and what that actually means). Is this a common thing for cities to have?


A busy bee on a flower that looks like a rubber band ball.

Also in the garden, sitting innocently on this bench:


I've found that people often leave spiritual guides such as this one in places that inspire personal discovery. A while back I found this as well. While I'm not big on people imposing their religious views on others, I think that if you're going to try and spread the word about something of a religious nature, this is the way to do it. There if you want it and available to leaf through without any sort of commitment or judgement.

Finally, a hobbit-sized house (of a non-Shire-dwelling hobbit, obvs. Perhaps a Bree hobbit).


It's not immediately apparent, but that door is about four feet tall. I found this place two or three miles from my house, by the creek, which is down a little hill just behind it. My mother says it houses some sort of electrical system that powers some sort of water system somewhere...I don't know. I'll just keep on believing I have a hobbit family as neighbors.

And as for the title of this posting--a play on words, because my last name is Ivey, and well...I have behavioral patterns that I just talked about(jeez I'm so clever)--here you go:

Absolutely magnificent.

Off to start yet another ridiculously productive summer day. God I love this sun and this season.


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