

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Green Life (+ Pasta Recipe)

Ah, Spring. Everything's green! Smoothies, noodles, a certain herb celebrated in a certain meadow on April the 20th...

Me and my girl Anna doing smoothies in the forest

I've been eating/blending/playing with all the green things I can find lately. Kale, dandelion greens, macha, parsley, nettle, the works. A few days ago I came across a delightful looking recipe for spring pasta, which I will now pass along to you. The sauce is bright and zesty and super light, and left me feeling invigorated in a way that pasta usually doesn't (I'm talking about wanting to lie down and sleep after a big bowl of spaghetti).


1 head of spinach, 1 handful of dandelion greens, 1 handful of kale
1 handful of fresh parsley
1-2 cloves of garlic
1 inch piece of fresh ginger
1/2 cup chopped onion
1/2 avocado
juice from 1 lemon
1/4 tsp. salt
1 cup coconut milk

Steam the spinach, dandelion greens, and kale very lightly; I left them in there for about a minute, until they turned a brighter shade of green and started to wilt just a little bit. Then do any necessary chopping and throw it all in a food processor, and you're done! I used quinoa spaghetti-style pasta, but you go crazy and use whatever noodles you want. I also seasoned it with some red pepper flakes and nutritional yeast.

I used a fair bit of extra parsley and garlic, making it into something of a superfood chimichurri sauce. I stored what was leftover in the fridge and it's turned out to be super versatile; I've used it on various other dishes already (mostly grain and vegetable medleys). Nutritious and delicious.

Happy Spring, and here's to my love Summer already peeking playfully around the corner.



  1. Oh my gosh that sounds fantastic! I'm gonna put some of the dandelions in my backyard to good use and try this. Up north we've had some really sunny and warm weather lately which has put me on a green smoothie and green foods kick too! Do you have a go to smoothie recipe? I usually default to banana, kale, flax seeds, ginger, lemon, celery and orange juice but I think I should branch out a little.

    1. The simple one I've been loving lately is banana (best when I freeze the slices first, mm), kale, spinach, coconut milk, chia seeds, a bit of vanilla extract, and a mango if I have one on hand. And some matcha if it's a morning energizer smoothie! Of course, when we have more stuff on hand around here we tend to just throw it in and see what happens. My housemate recently made one that had both cacao powder and beets in it (what?).
      As for other things I'm cooking up, I've been experimenting a lot with chickpeas lately, so hopefully I can put up a recipe soon. I also discovered kelp noodles, which have *completely* changed the noodle game in my life.
      xoxo, happy eating!
