

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Timeless Dream

This new year has me looking back...on the romantic dreams of my tween days and the one-hit wonders that served as the soundtrack to my life.

Remember this?

And this?? (Vanessa Carlton was more than a one-hit wonder, to be fair.)

How about this? (Of course you remember this.)

And this...the song that I pictured every boy I had a crush on singing to me. Oh lord. I'm just now finding out what Daniel Bedingfield looks like...I think I'll stick to the Latino dreamboat I pictured as a 12 year old.

I listened to these (and a lot more, trust me, I spared you) over and over on my beloved cassette tapes that my uncle mixed for me using the very first music pirating software. Point is, they still make me melt. Oh, what the years can't change, hard as they try (trust me I tried, during my "no mainstream music whatsoever" phase).

What were the romantic dreams of the 10-13 year old me, you ask? Just what any girl would want: a musical, poetic, intense-eyed hunk whose dream girl was me. Reasonable, right?

But I suppose what I was really hoping for, underneath it all, was something and someone special. And looking back on the years since then, I can say with certainty and a smile that what I hoped for came true. Everything that has happened, that which has come and gone and left its mark, has been special to me.

I don't feel as if I've loved and lost, only loved. And the dreamer in me hasn't been silenced. What more could I ask for?

Happy New Year, and happy new moon. May this coming morning be, as with every other morning, an opportunity to live your dreams and see the best in the world.


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