

Friday, January 11, 2013

Grey Ocean, Morning Air

This morning I went on a run. I repeat. This morning, I went on a run. Just to be clear, I am not a morning person (at least not yet), and much less a morning person who goes on runs in the morning. But E (the lovely roommate) and I somehow muscled through a 9 am, empty stomach run, because she had class at 11 and I'm leaving for the weekend this afternoon. It was barely a couple miles and I was dying.

I don't run on an empty stomach, ever. I load up on carbs two hours before and make sure I have some caffeine in me. It's part of my running ritual. But to tell you the truth, after getting back and eating a bagel and having my coffee, I feel great. It was only 9:30 and I already felt like I had accomplished something. That almost never happens. I immediately called my mom to tell her, "mom, it appears I'm slowly starting to become you" (my parents get up at 6 and go on runs). Haha. Not that it's any sort of bad thing; my parents are my ultimate role models. If I could "grow up" (always feel weird saying that, as I'm already an adult...technically)to be like them, I would be quite content. Morning runs, walks to the bagelry in chilly weather, lots of coffee, and ridiculously productive days.

I think I could get used to this. I think I have decided to become a morning person. There. I said it. I have a theory that this might actually be one of those things that is easier done than said; after all, all I have to do is get up, right?

Anyway, I found myself singing this song, a classic that I've known all my life because I am, after all, half Oklahoman. :)

Wishing you all the happiest of mornings,

p.s. The ocean photos were taken yesterday, from my Eden.

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